Monday, December 20, 2010

This Is My December

Well, long time no post.

I've been very busy, very tired, and sometimes sick.

I recently got into an amazing hobby. I now build, paint, and play Warhammer 40K. It is a table top strategy game with figurines in which you have to build in masses. Since I love to paint, this is awesome and time consuming.

So, with this time consuming hobby I left the internet for a while. And by a while I mean for like a week or two. This resulted in my 'internet friends' [IMVU] to begin to think/realize that I was abandoning them, and in that I lost a good deal of the people I would trust and talk to online. Which is fine by me.

Anyways. Shortly after getting into 40K, I applied and got a job at Auntie Anne's pretzels right next door to the Warhammer store. :] Secretly planned, yes? I am now a part of the 30+ hours a week work force.

My father, in the midst of November, moved to Indiana where I think is the perfect place for him. He's always loved it there and hated it down South, not just Louisiana or Texas, just anywhere that wasn't Indiana.

Also, to get back to the 40K stuff, I might be getting a job in the store! I've just got to turn in an application and they will teach me all I need to know (if I get the job.)

I found new music this few months as well. Here, I'll list them for y'all. :3

Florence + The Machine
Christina Perri
Two Steps From Hell
Abney Park

I also re-found music of some of my favorite artists like Frou Frou, Imogen Heap, and Five Finger Death Punch. :3

Well, this is a decent size update and it wasn't too overly dramatic.

Take care!